Welcome to Compassion of Christ Catholic Community

An inclusive Catholic community in the Roman Catholic tradition, pastored by Roman Catholic Womenpriests

Compassion of Christ Catholic Community is an inclusive Catholic community in the Roman Catholic tradition that affirms the holiness of each individual’s faith journey, spiritually nourishes with sacraments and ritual, and lives out its faith with works of social justice.

We have changed our worship service format to a Home Church environment, meeting on the first Sunday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the home of a member. Our liturgies are scheduled as hybrid in-person/streaming events. Send an email to compassiontc@gmail.com if you wish to receive an invitation to our service or the Zoom stream.

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All are welcome!

Lenten Bookclub

Even though Compassion of Christ has cut back with our in-person gatherings, Linda Wilcox and Ann Roeder are excited about meeting on Zoom with you again for a Lenten Book Discussion Club.  The book we have chosen is See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love  by Valarie Kaur. You can check her out on her…

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